The Origins of The Little Pencil REVEALED! - The Little Pencil #2 Available Now

The Fruit Pencils? Captain Stars? Who are these people?

A brand new issue of The Little Pencil is available right now on GlobalComix and this very website! In this issue, The Ruler reveals the history behind the name “The Little Pencil”, as well as the history of the Government Agency “R.E.T.E.N.”. Meanwhile, Amy and Rose are on Earth searching for Ricky Haroldson.

But who are these characters? What do we need to know? Well luckily, we’ve got the details for you! Let’s go through the characters that appear!

The Little Pencil

I mean, we all know who he is, right? If you’re new to The Little Pencil though, let’s go through his history so far. Ricky Haroldosn first appeared in A Pencilly Halloween back on October 31st, 2022 where he was confronted by The PumpKing before being saved by The Ruler. It’s then revealed in The Little Pencil #1 that a day later, Ricky Haroldson’s brother, Frank went missing, and Dr. Steve Brown and Ricky went looking for him. They arrived at his lab, but he got into an accident turning him into The Little Pencil.

Now as The Little Pencil, The Ruler brings him to the Paper Planet. Find out what happens next in The Little Pencil #2!

The Fantastic Crayon

The Fantastic Crayon is The Little Pencil’s newest friend. We learn in the children’s book “The Little Pencil” that he was drawn by The Little Pencil, and helped him in his first war against the Erasers!

The Ruler

The Ruler first appeared in A Pencilly Halloween confronting Ricky Haroldson about becoming The Little Pencil. The Ruler knew that Ricky would become The Little Pencil, and just waited until it happened. The next day, he brought The Little Pencil to the Paper Planet. The Ruler’s also been behind the scenes throughout the years of the Fruit Comics Ultimate Universe… which you’ll learn about in these other character descriptions.

Captain Stars

Terry Thunder, the Co-Founder of R.E.T.E.N. is known as Captain Stars. Captain Stars has the abilities of the Gods, and at a young age got the abilities from an ancient Wizard. Captain Stars is the strongest member of The Fruit Pencils, and has helped save the World on multiple occasions.

Epic Pear

Epic Pear comes from the history of the African country known as Narfolk, and met the Red Comet and The Goblin King when they landed in 23 AD. Epic Pear became known within the country of Narfolk and was King Pears right hand man. Epic Pear later became a member of The Fruit Pencils.

The Little Pencil

Jason, otherwise known as The Little Pencil is the other Co-Founder of The Fruit Pencils. Jason is one of the few Pencil Objecticals in the world, with The Ruler checking in on him as much as he can. Jason and The Ruler work together in order to stop all threats relating to the Paper Planet.

The Beetle

From a member of the Fort Coehor Police Department to taking up the mantle of The Beetle from his father, Theodore Kent joined The Fruit Pencils under the Superhero name "The Beetle". The Beetle occasionally went over to Fieldham, in order to fight crime with The Fruit Pencils.

The Walking Fish

The Walking Fish was a secret weapon during World War 2. Coming from Atlantis, The Walking Fish was apart of a Black Ops team created in order to fight against the Nazis alongside other superbeings. The Walking Fish would later be hired by R.E.T.E.N., and would join The Fruit Pencils.

Make sure to check out The Little Pencil #2 right now!


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